Swim Clinics
Freestyle & Backstroke
July 29 - August 2
5 days a week 9:00 am - 10:00 am
$100/week for members $200/week for non-members
Freestyle and backstroke are very similar in both overall technique and body rotation. These strokes are somewhat simple, however they have aspects that are often overlooked that can increase a swimmer's speed. Swimmers will learn how to effectively catch the water and push themselves forward along with the proper rotation to elongate their bodies and lengthen their stroke. We will also work on perfecting the straight leg kick used for both freestyle and backstroke This clinic aims to increase swimmers' overall abilities in these two strokes to make them more competitive.
Breaststroke & Butterfly
August 5 - August 9
5 days a week 9:00 am - 10:00 am
$100/week for members $200/week for non-members
For some swimmers, these two strokes can be more difficult to learn and perfect. Butterfly and backstroke are similar in body position and build off of one another. This clinic aims to teach the proper stroke technique, kicks, turns and finishes for each of these strokes. For newer swimmers this will build their comfort and confidence in swimming these strokes without fear of being disqualified in races. For more seasoned swimmers, we will also concentrate on the proper underwater work, head and breathing positions to help drop seconds off their times.
Starts & Turns
August 12 - August 16
5 days a week 9:00 am - 10:00 am
$100/week for members $200/week for non-members
Starts & turns are a crucial part of every swimmer's race! They can shave seconds off their times by extending the distance of their dives and maximizing the speed and momentum of their turns. We will work on flip turns, open turns and IM turns as well as starts and underwater work for all four strokes.
Competitive Swim Readiness Clinic
Available weeks:
July 29 - August 2
August 5 - August 9
August 12 - August 16
5 days a week 10:00 - 11:00 am
$100/week for members $200/week for non-members
This clinic is structured especially for swimmers looking to make the transition from lessons to competitive/club swim teams. Swimmers will work to improve stroke technique in all four stokes with specific concentration on improving endurance and learning terminology. Swimmers will be introduced to starts and finishes and also learn several kicking, breathing and stroke drills commonly used in team practices.
* Please note! These are NOT swim lessons with an instructor in the pool. These clinics are intended for swimmers who have already passed the BSC Deep Water Test and are ready to be coached on technique. ​​